Don (terrorizing everyone with her incessant crying) had a very wide bilateral cleft lip with a fracture of the protruding bone. After being turned down by a few hospitals, she was successfully treated at Aakar Asha.
The 5 year old had a large vascular malformation of her upper lip, which sometimes bled while eating. The successful removal of the tumour sparing the muscles helped her with a normal appearance.
The lady with a severe disfiguring tumour (Plexiform neurofibroma) led a life of a social outcast, unable to work for a living. After surgery, she reclaimed a place in the society and planning to get an artificial eye fixed.
The barber was affected with a life threatening blood vessel abnormality (Cirsoid Aneurism) which was a ticking time bomb. He underwent 2 surgeries (6&4 hours) for removal of the enlarged blood vessels. He now has black hair and is married.
This little girl accidentally scalded herself as a baby, after which she was unable to use her left hand due to the contractures. After reconstructive surgery she is able to straighten and bend her hands at will.
The lively 6 year old was burnt in an accident which crippled his right leg making him unable to walk for nearly 3 years. He underwent 3 major surgeries which enabled him to walk with the support of a stick.
This young boy suffered from bleeding hemangioma, which is an abnormal growth in the blood vessels of the upper lip and left cheek. After the surgery he is left with a coy smile.